Beginning Grammar
Grades K-2, approximately 4-8 years of age
Student Characteristics
Obviously excited about learning
Enjoys games, stories, songs, & projects
Short attention span
Wants to touch, taste, feel, smell, & see
Imaginative, creative
Teaching Methods
Guide discovering
Explore, find things
Use lots of tactile items to illustrate point
Sing, play games, chant, recite, color, draw, paint, build
Use body movements
Short, creative projects
Show and Tell, drama, hear/read/tell stories
Field trips
Grades 3-6, approximately 9-11 years of age
Excited about new, interesting facts
Likes to explain, figure out, talk
Wants to relate own experiences to topic, or just to tell a story
Likes collections, organizing items
Likes chants, clever, repetitious word sounds (e.g. Dr. Seuss)
Easily memorizes
Can assimilate another language well
Lots of hands-on work, projects
Field trips, drama
Make collections, displays, models
Integrate subjects through above means
Teach and assign research projects
Recitations, memorizations
Drills, games
Oral/written presentations
Grades 7-9, approximately 12-14 years of age
Still excitable, but needs challenges
Judges, critiques, debates, critical
Likes to organize items, others
Shows off knowledge
Wants to know “behind the scenes” facts
Curious about ‘Why?’ for most things
Thinks, acts as though more knowledgeable than adults
Time lines, charts, maps (visual materials)
Debates, persuasive reports
Drama, reenactments, role-playing
Evaluate, critique (with guidelines)
Formal logic
Research projects
Oral/written presentations
Guest speakers, trips
Grades 10-12, approximately 15-18 years of age
Concerned with present events, especially in own life
Interested in justice, fairness
Moving toward special interests, topics
Can take on responsibility, independent work
Can do synthesis
Desires to express feelings, own ideas
Generally idealistic
Drama, oral presentations
Guide research in major areas with goal of synthesis of ideas
Many papers, speeches, debates
Give responsibilities, e.g. working with younger students, organize activities
In-depth field trips, even overnight
World view discussion/written
Taken from the essay The Lost Tools of Learning, by Dorothy Sayers. It illustrates the application of the Trivium at New Covenant Christian Academy