How does a Classical Christian approach to education compare to others? The chart below gives some specific examples of possible differences.
Christ-centered education
Original documents based
Education for formation
Development of critical thinking – “Why?”
Emphasis on the true, good and beautiful
Integrated interdisciplinary learning
Appreciation of western civilization
Latin taught as a core requirement
Humanities and fine arts emphasis
Requires the student to learn how to learn
Mastery as working to one’s fullest potential
Lifelong love of learning as the ultimate goal
Truth is objective, knowable and absolute
Parents as primary educators
Man-centered education
Textbook based
Education for information
Development of correct procedures –“How?”
Emphasis on politically correct
Fragmented and disjointed learning
Critique of western civilization
Latin as an elective
Techno-rational emphasis
Requires the student to learn how to pass tests
Mastery as measured by test grades
Graduation as the ultimate goal
Self-actualization, personal peace and affluence
Teachers as primary educators